Retirement Living
24/22-26 Cotswold Road Strathfield
24/22-26 Cotswold Road Strathfield

24/22-26 Cotswold Road Strathfield



1 Bed 1 Bath

Studio apartment with a sheltered balcony and great open-air feel

This apartment enjoys great privacy in a quiet location but is also located close enough to the dining room if needed.
- Great Strathfield friendly community and great management
- Ample outdoor and indoor recreation areas
- Apartment looks out across to a garden walkway and residential backyard
- Live fully independently or with a range of convenient services available
- Art room and communal activities, close to Strathfield shops
- Full time management, Medical emergency button, excellent meals if needed
- Very quiet, safe location and a fun community.
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Retirement Living | 0404028520
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24/22-26 Cotswold Road Strathfield
24/22-26 Cotswold Road Strathfield
24/22-26 Cotswold Road Strathfield
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